Teaching is a lot of things- hard word, dedication, lots of love, grit, flexibility, and the list truly goes on and on….
Oftentimes those who are not in education have a different perception about what teaching is and is not. Today I asked myself, what is the 5 things teaching is NOT just to set the record straight…
Plus, I love an excuse to use one of my favorite storyboarding/authoring tools, PowToon.
I’ll elaborate more on PowToon at a later date, but I want to share this with you now, check it out!
Pretty cool, right? It only took me a total 15 minutes to create and looks totally LEGIT. Yes, that’s start to finish- from deciding on the template, to plugging in my own verbiage, and switching up a a few of the graphics.
If you haven’t gotten the opportunity to test drive Powtoons, I suggest you do so, educator accounts are FREE. And no, they aren’t paying me to praise them- their product is amazing and user friendly. Story telling is the BEES KNEES and PowToon makes it easy-peasy!
With that being said, I want to thank all the teachers that did not just give worksheets, teach straight from the textbook, count the days to summer vacation, kill me with blah blah powerpoints, and solely “collect a paycheck.”
So…..thank you!